Friday, April 20, 2007

80% rule

I've found over the last little while that all of the technical stuff that we do only seems to address 80% of the problem - twitter is a great little status server but you have to update it manually, the same can be applied to so many things. Why don't we have some kind of buddy that watches everything we do then helps us out. there is just not enough automation out there - why cant my Tivo see that a movie I have on my Netflix list is going to be on TV and record it for me, then tell Netflix to cancel that movie from my list. Why can't there be something out there that scans all the TV on my Tivo and sends me emails telling me that there is stuff I might want to watch. Is this the Web 3.0 we've heard being talked about - adding layers of AI and automation to whats out there on the web right now?

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