Today, all of a sudden, just as i was about to start doing my show in the car, my laptop seized up.
Like every other morning I do my show, I take my powered up laptop into my car and put it on the passenger seat. I then plug in my Plantronics USB headset and listen for that ba-bump sound which means it connected fine. Today, nothing. In fact, worse than nothing. It locked up so solid not even a ctrl-alt-delete would call up the task manager. So I powered off. Powered back on and after some finagling, the laptop worked enough to record my show. it then promptly locked up again.
For the rest of the day, I'd be rebooting this thing over and over, sometimes it would work for a bit, then lock up again - forcing a full blown reboot. Sometimes the wireless would work, sometimes not. Sometimes the SD card slot drivers would break, then come back.
So my machines been flaky all day long. I thought to myself, self, this is 2007. Why can't I just run a little diagnostic which is just part of the OS which figures out whats REALLY wrong with my laptop and suggest a fix? What, is the Microsoft economy so fragile that OS's can't self-diagnose and self-repair themselves? If you ask me, we are WAYYYYY past when this should be rote for operating systems. They should all be self-healing by now.
Where is the self-healing OS? Do we really need this HUGE economy around fixing these things?
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
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